
Doc's demonstration model of Courthouse Square as it existed in 1986.

" The candles masquerading as lamp posts were the nicest touch, Doc Brown thought, moving several steps backwards to admire his work. / "Very good," he murmured, smiling. "Maybe I'll keep it up until Christmas and use it as a garden." / He had spent most of the afternoon planning and constructing his own replica of Hill Valley's Town Square. Set up on a large piece of plywood, it consisted primarily of a piece of wood with a watch strapped around it (the clock tower of the courthouse) with a "lightning rod" (a nail) attached to the top. A wire ran from the lightning rod down across the square and between two lamp posts across the street. Near the lamp posts sat a windup toy car with a small wire sticking straight up from the back. To the wire was attached a hook. / Consulting his worksheet which contained lines of statistics and computations, Doc Brown nodded. He was sure it would work. "
—From Back to the Future by George Gipe (quote, page 183)

A demonstration model is a model that shows how a plan can be achieved through the use of physical objects.

Emmett Brown built two demonstration models to illustrate to Marty McFly how to get the DeLorean time machine to travel through time. However, Doc would always regret on each occasion about the crudity of the model as well as not having had time to either paint it or get it to scale; fortunately, Marty always reassured him that the model looked fine.

Doc's 1885 demonstration model

Doc: "Marty, once more let's go over the entire plan and layout. I apologize for the crudity of this model, but I just..."
Marty: "Yeah, I know, Doc, it’s not to scale. It’s okay, Doc."
Doc: "Alright."
— Doc and Marty in 1885 about to devise the plan to return to 1985, Wav

The 1885 model was built in Doc's livery stable on September 4 and September 5 of that year, mostly out of wood parts. It featured the main railroad line which spurred off into Carson Spur. Carson Spur terminated three miles down the track at Shonash Ravine. Other landmarks that Doc added included the silver mine where the DeLorean would be loaded onto the tracks and the locomotive would begin to push it. The Point of No Return was represented by a windmill, indicating it would be too late to stop the train before the edge of the ravine.

Doc and Marty ran the experiment with the model train on one side. It was powered by a form of electric motor that Doc hooked up to the tracks, which passed current through them. They both watched as the train came around the bend, hooked onto the spur, and pushed the DeLorean to the edge. Doc caught the model DeLorean just as it drove off into the 'ravine'. Soon thereafter, Clara was at the door of the stable.

Doc's 1955 demonstration model

Demo model 1955

Doc shows Marty his model of downtown Hill Valley.

Doc: "Let me show you my plan for sending you home. Please excuse the crudity of this model. I didn't have time to build it to scale or paint it."
Marty: "It's good."
Doc: "Oh, thank you. Thank you."
— Doc shows his model to Marty in 1955, Wav

The 1955 model was built by Doc's younger self in his garage on November 7 from paper, cardboard boxes, metal containers, bottles, and salt and pepper shakers all painted to a gray color. The model was surprisingly accurate in representing Courthouse Square.

Doc gave Marty a toy car that had to be wound up to travel down the road. Doc hooked up to a power source and pointed an alligator clip to the pole on the model of the Hill Valley Courthouse. He instructed Marty to release the car, and timed the 'lightning' with its intersection of the cable. The result was an explosion on the model table, with the car in flames. The model car drove off the table and towards a large cloth, setting it on fire. Doc gasped in panic and ran to put out the fire with an extinguisher. Soon thereafter, Lorraine was at their door.

In 1986, Marty found Doc's notebook in the model of the Courthouse.

Doc's Institute of Future Technology demonstration model


Doc shows the audience a new model.

The Institute of Future Technology model was again built by Doc to demonstrate to the time travel volunteers at the Institute exactly how time travel worked. Doc put a miniature DeLorean time machine onto a ping pong table with some makeshift buildings on it, sent the DeLorean down on a track to a flag that read "Re-Entry", where it burst into flames. It finally stopped an unknown distance from the table, wildly spinning. Doc ran over with a fire extinguisher and put the fire out.


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