Elite Barber Shop - Blue Bird Motel - Western Auto Stores - Ruth's Frock Shop - Statler Studebaker

The Blue Bird Motel, between Elite Barber Shop and the Western Auto Stores.

Bluebird Motel Sign

The sign of the motel at the starting line.

The Blue Bird Motel was a motel on Main Street in Hill Valley, with an entrance located at Courthouse Square, adjacent to the Western Auto store.


In 1931, the spot of the motel was occupied by a similar business Majestic Arms Inn (which allowed for the homeless to take shelter).

In 1955, a sign, advertising the motel, was where Dr. Emmett Brown decided to paint a starting line on the street indicating where the DeLorean time machine should start. There was also another sign near the road that advertised the Pohatchee Drive-In Theatre.

Between 1955 and 1985, the motel closed and the Al's Tatoo and Art Studio replaced it, but the sign of the motel was still over the entrance. By 1985, the tatoo studio was out of business and its green awnings (those of the motel) had been torn. 

In the ABC timeline 1985A, the site of the Blue Bird Motel apparently sold hardcore pornography and peep shows. There was also a pawn shop on the side of the building. It was returned to normal after Marty McFly burned the Grays Sports Almanac in 1955, thus restoring the timeline.

In 1986B, the site of the Blue Bird Motel was occupied by the Ministry of Tourism.

Behind the scenes[]

  • The location of the sign, lamppost, and tree that were seen can be found in Griffith Park, Los Angeles. The prop sign has naturally since been removed, but the tree and lamppost remain.
  • On the building's sign, the name of the motel is Blue Bird Motel, but on the sign located at the starting line the name of the motel is Bluebird Motel. The name on the building's sign has therefore been adopted here, as it is the first to be shown on-screen.

