
"Go Fly a Kite" is the sixth episode of the first season of Back to the Future: The Animated Series. It first aired on October 26, 1991.

Brief synopsis

Jules taunts his brother Verne by saying that Verne must not be a biological member of the Brown family because he isn't as smart as Doc and Jules, doesn't resemble either parent, and does not have a baby picture. Verne uses his father's photo invention to find a picture of himself, and erroneously concludes that Benjamin Franklin is his biological father. Taking the DeLorean back in time to September 2, 1752, Verne interferes with Franklin's experiment and the discovery of the nature of electricity. When all of the electricity goes out in present day Hill Valley, Doc traces Verne back to Benjamin Franklin. Doc saves Verne from falling off a clock tower and Verne realizes that he is Verne's biological father and that he would still love Verne as much if he were adopted.


From the episode

(After being taunted by his older brother)

Verne: "Take that back or I'll punch you out!!"
Jules: "You and what body of organized servicemen?"
Clara: "Aren't we forgetting something?"
Doc: "Yes, yes, I should launder the epidermal surface of my forelimbs' terminal components, using a perfumed block of rendered animal fat!"
— Doc washes his hands before supper

Dramatis personae

New continuity

New individuals
