Griff's gang

Griff's gang (with Marty McFly Junior).

"Griff's three sidekicks — a tall, oriental fellow with a shaved head; a girl with long blonde hair, spiked bangs and 3-inch fingernails; and a shorter guy with a tattooed face who seemed to be wearing computer equipment as part of his clothes — all hung around in the background."
—From Back to the Future Part II by Craig Shaw Gardner (quote, page 34)

end credits for "Griff Gang"


the USA Today article which reveals the real names of Chester, Leslie and Rafe.

The Griff Gang was a group led by Griff Tannen in 2015.


The gang consisted of three members of similar age:

  1. Chester "Whitey" Nogura, a taller guy with a mostly shaved head except the top;
  2. Rafe "Data" Unger, a shorter guy who wore a computerized breastplate that produced sound effects, such as a chicken clucking
  3. Leslie "Spike" O'Malley, a tall girl with long blonde hair, who demonstrated that she could be as tough as any of the guys by grabbing Marty McFly, Jr. in a very personal place(!) and lifting him up off the floor.

Griff was the first in his lineage to allow a female into his group.

They assisted Griff in convincing Marty Jr. to help them rob the Hill Valley Payroll Substation, but distanced themselves from the crime when he was caught in the act.

When Marty McFly intervened, he said no and resisted Griff and the gang. This led to a hoverboard chase around Courthouse Square very familiar to old Biff Tannen. They trapped Marty over a manmade lake in front of the courthouse and hooked onto Griff's Pit Bull hoverboard. Griff and the gang zoomed towards Marty, but he jumped clear of Griff's bat and they hit the edge of the lake, flying straight into the courthouse's windows. The gang was then arrested by the police for damages and Marty Jr. never went on that robbery.

Behind the scenes[]

  • In the opening sequence for the first season of Back to the Future: The Animated Series, Marty is being chased by Griff with two completely different unnamed gang members five months before the infamous hoverboard rampage. Canonicity, even within the context of the Animated Series, is questionable.


Futurepedia has a collection of images and media related to Griff Gang.