Jurassic Park was a film by Steven Spielberg, released on June 11, 1993. It was based on the novel of the same name which was published on November 20, 1990.
When Biff Tannen stole the DeLorean time machine, he accidentally traveled to the Cretaceous Period after hitting the time circuits with his cane. Biff saw a baby velociraptor, and warned that he knew what to do with it as he had seen the "Spielberg flick".
Behind the Scenes[]
- The name of the story itself, Jurassic Biff, was an homage to Jurassic Park.
- Back to the Future (IDW Publishing)
- Back to the Future: Untold Tales and Alternate Timelines
- Issue 3: "Jurassic Biff" (Mentioned only)
- Back to the Future: Untold Tales and Alternate Timelines