
This page is for references to the Back to the Future trilogy in comic books.

Sonic Boom (Archie Comics)

Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie Comics)

The Simpsons/Futurama Infinitely Secret Crossover Crisis

Star Trek/Legion of Super Heroes


  • There's a story that parodies the Back to the Future trilogy as a whole, featuring a number of the main character's daughters traveling back in time, each daughter from a different future timeline, to ensure that their father gets together with their respective mother, thus guaranteeing that their respective timeline will become reality and guaranteeing their own existence. The characters from the future occasionally begin to fade away from existence when their futures are in jeopardy, as Marty did at the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance in Part I, and there are a number of other references including time paradoxes and a time flow chart depicting different potential timelines. Additionally, the first chapter of the series is titled "F*** to the Future."