Mcfly farm

Maggie and baby William in the McFly farm kitchen.

"He [Marty] reached a slight rise between two of the fields, and saw buildings in the distance. But there weren't enough of them for a town, even a small Wild West town like Hill Valley. There were only two small shacks. Marty guessed one was a farmhouse, the other a barn. / Marty had to admit it: / 'I'm lost,' he said aloud. / He squinted at the smaller of the two buildings, the one with the smaller door, fit to let humans in and out, rather than that place with the big doors for wagons and farm animals. That meant that this was the farmhouse, the other building the barn. Marty was very proud he had figured this out."
—From Back to the Future Part III by Craig Shaw Gardner (quote, page 46)
"Well, you're safe and sound here at the McFly farm."
—Maggie McFly
"It [the bedroom] was small, with a dirt floor, crammed with half a dozen pieces of handmade furniture. it looked comfortable enough, in its way, for the guest bedroom. / Marty opened the door, and walked into the next room. This room was full of things, too: a cradle, a spinning wheel, a dinner table and chairs, a wood stove with a boiling kettle on top. The place seemed a combination living-dining-work room with a kitchen thrown in. There was one other door in this room, which was open to let in light. He could tell from a glance that that door led outside. / Oh. He realized that the room he'd just walked out of wasn't the guest bedroom — it was the only bedroom. And the bedroom and this room made up the entire farmhouse. Maybe this frontier farm life was tougher than Marty thought."
—From Back to the Future Part III by Craig Shaw Gardner (quote, page 51)

The McFly farm was located about fourteen miles from Hill Valley[1] in 1885. Seamus McFly, his wife Maggie, and their baby son William all lived there. It was near a bear cave (located uphill from the farm) on the edge of an open desert. The farm was also one third mile from a stream.[1].

Marty McFly arrived in 1885 by way of the desert and after parking the DeLorean time machine in the bear cave, he was chased out by its inhabitant and fell down a hill, landing on their fence. Seamus, who was working outside, brought the "hurt man" into the McFly house where he later woke up. After Seamus gave Marty a hat and guided him to the Central Pacific Railroad tracks, Marty walked south until he reached Hill Valley.

In an alternate timeline where Hill Valley was destroyed in a fire, Seamus intended to have a farm in the area, but was scared off by "Scary" Mary Pickford.

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