
An encounter inside the Palace Saloon.

Marty: "Hey, listen. You gotta back door to this place?"
Sam: "Yeah. Its in the back."
— As Marty and Doc escape the Saloon

The Palace Saloon was a saloon at the corner of Hill Street and Main Street in 1885. Built in 1876 by Beauregard Tannen, it sat on the future site of Sisters of Mercy Soup Kitchen, Lou's Cafe, Lou's Aerobic Center, and the Cafe 80's. Its only known workers are Chester the bartender, and his assistant Joey.

Regular customers

People came in daily at the Palace Saloon for drinks or to play some poker, as noted by the three townsfolk that were there almost every day. The bartender, Chester, knew most of the customers from Seamus McFly, to Buford Tannen, and even Emmett Brown. Buford and his gang were regular customers as Sam attempted to pour them drinks almost immediately after they entered the Palace Saloon. However, on September 3 of 1885, Buford stated that he had only come to ask if Chester knew where 'that no good cheat'n blacksmith' was.


The Palace Saloon had a variety of drinks. They varied from sasparilla, whiskey and coffee. But their 'specialty' was a concoction containing an assortment of drinks and spices mixed together and stirred up with a knife that created a drink that allowed someone to become "as sober as a priest on Sunday" in around ten minutes. This is what Sam and Joey liked to call wake-up juice.

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