
Robot Chicken is a television show on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim. Created in 2005 by Seth Green and Matthew Senreich, Robot Chicken is a stop-motion cartoon that spoofs popular culture.

References to Back to the Future[]

Dragon Nuts[]

P.S. Yes, in That Way[]

Please Do Not Notify Our Contractors[]

Dear Consumer[]

Major League of Extraordinary Gentlemen[]

Casablankman II[]

Eaten by Cats[]

  • A DeLorean? - Marty thinks the DeLorean is a bad idea for a time machine, given the checkered past of its inventor. Doc uses different unique vehicles, such as the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile or an ice cream truck for designs, but Marty has something critical to say about them. Doc then makes a time machine out of the Batmobile, and is accompanied by Cleopatra and Amelia Earhart as his dates. However, when Marty says the Batmobile is a great idea for a time machine, Doc leaves without him, saying that is punishment for his critical attitude of earlier designs.

Secret of the Flushed Footlong[]

Hey I Found Another Sock[]

  • The Nerd Goes to Westworld - The Nerd dresses up as "The coolest western hero of all time": Marty McFly, in reference to Marty's outfit he wore when going to 1885 in Back to the Future Part III.

BTTF actors in Robot Chicken[]

External link[]
