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Marty Jr. and Marlene wearing their video glasses during dinner.


Marlene wearing her video glasses around her neck. The orange illuminated word PHONE can be seen across the front of the glasses.

Video glasses were an input device, used in 2015, to view television programs without a large screen. Marty McFly, Jr. wore a pair of JVC video glasses while eating dinner with his family; it was while heading to his chair in front of the TV beforehand, he passed 1985 Jennifer and commented on her pants ("Hey, Mom. Nice pants") — completely failing to notice that she was thirty years younger. While at dinner with his family, Marty Jr. complained that the glasses only allowed him to watch two channels. (When he was Marty Jr.'s age, Marty had to put two television sets next to each other in order to watch two shows at once, so Marty Jr. should have considered himself lucky.) One of the two channels Marty Jr. was viewing was ESPN - Channel 211-D, in which the Chicago Bears were playing the Spacers in football.

His sister, Marlene, appeared to have a different set of glasses that apparently allowed her to talk on the video telephone, and which displayed the orange illuminated word PHONE across the front while she was doing this. The McFlys only had one phone line, so Marlene had to interrupt her conversation when Needles called.


  • As of 2013, this technology exists in real life for Google Glass, Sony Glasstron, and previously models of iPhone.

